Drozzt Xiloscient | Male Drow Name

Character Profile

  • Name: Drozzt Xiloscient

  • Gender: Male

  • Eye Color: Deep purple

  • Hair Color: White/silver

  • Skin Color: Dark charcoal gray


Drow (Dark Elf)

Abilities and Traits

  1. Exceptional agility and speed: Drozzt is able to move swiftly and gracefully, making him a formidable opponent in combat.

  2. Darkvision: Being a Drow, Drozzt has the ability to see perfectly in the dark, giving him an advantage in low-light situations.

  3. Skilled with dual-wielding weapons: Drozzt is proficient in using two weapons simultaneously, making him a deadly fighter in battle.

  4. Magical aptitude: Drozzt has a natural talent for using dark, shadow-based magic, allowing him to cast powerful spells.

  5. Background Information

    Drozzt Xiloscient was born into a prominent Drow noble family in the Underdark, a vast network of underground caverns and tunnels. His family's lineage was steeped in dark magic, and Drozzt was expected to follow in their footsteps. However, he felt a stronger connection to the shadows and stealth, leading him to hone his skills as a rogue and assassin.

    As he grew older, Drozzt's wanderlust led him to the surface world, where he discovered a whole new world filled with wonders and dangers. He traveled far and wide, taking on various jobs as a mercenary and thief, always staying one step ahead of his enemies.

    Despite his dark upbringing, Drozzt possesses a code of honor and loyalty to those he considers allies. He may be a skilled killer, but he also has a soft spot for the downtrodden and oppressed, often taking up causes to help those in need.

    Now, Drozzt Xiloscient roams the lands as a shadowy figure, his white hair and dark skin blending seamlessly with the night. Rumors of his exploits spread far and wide, striking fear in the hearts of his enemies and hope in the hearts of the oppressed.