Tazennin Vlos | Male Drow Name

Character Profile

  • Name: Tazennin Vlos

  • Gender: Male

  • Eye Color: Crimson red

  • Hair Color: Silver

  • Skin Color: Dark purple



Abilities and Traits

  1. Darkvision: Tazennin can see perfectly in the dark up to 120 feet.

  2. Shadow Magic: He has the ability to manipulate shadows and use them for various purposes, such as concealing himself or creating illusions.

  3. Poison Resistance: Tazennin has a natural resistance to poisons, making him immune to most conventional toxins.

  4. Expert in Melee Combat: Tazennin is a skilled fighter, particularly proficient in wielding dual daggers in close quarters combat.

  5. Background Information

    Tazennin Vlos was born into a prominent Drow family in the Underdark, a vast network of underground caverns and tunnels. Growing up, he was trained in the arts of war and magic by his family, who valued strength and cunning above all else.

    As he grew older, Tazennin's reputation as a formidable warrior spread throughout the Underdark. He became known for his ruthlessness in battle and his mastery of shadow magic, leading him to become a feared figure among his enemies.

    Despite his dark reputation, Tazennin is fiercely loyal to his family and his people. He sees himself as a protector of the Drow, willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety and prosperity in the treacherous depths of the Underdark.

    Now, Tazennin roams the tunnels and caverns of the Underdark, always ready to defend his people against any threat that may arise. With his skills in combat and magic, he is a force to be reckoned with, a shadowy figure lurking in the darkness, ready to strike at a moment's notice.